We form the Core HR of Airports Authority of India with an arduous responsibility to establish, operate and maintain communication, navigation, surveillance, security and information technology systems spread over 126 cities /towns of India. We provide safe, reliable, expeditious, and efficient service in conformance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). We also undertake flight checks of navigation facilities in SAARC region.
ATSEP provides non stress link to ATCOs to relieve their stress so that they can work with less stress. Our members are keeping an eagle’s eye watch on the state of art CNS technology elsewhere and its manifestations in aviation to safeguard the airborne traveler and aircrafts by using complex VHF based devices/RADARS/ILS /VOR/DME etc.
We strive hard to bring harmony in airport operations by constantly updating and adopting proven technology needed to enhance customer satisfaction.